Results for 'Dayne E. Nix'

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  1. Thanks for the memories.William E. Nix - 2016 - In Terry L. Miethe & Norman L. Geisler, I am put here for the defense of the Gospel: Dr. Norman L. Geisler: a festschrift in his honor. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
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  2. Distinctive elements of a Judaeo-Christian worldview.William E. Nix - 2016 - In Terry L. Miethe & Norman L. Geisler, I am put here for the defense of the Gospel: Dr. Norman L. Geisler: a festschrift in his honor. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
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    Informed consent in pragmatic trials: results from a survey of trials published 2014–2019.Jennifer Zhe Zhang, Stuart G. Nicholls, Kelly Carroll, Hayden Peter Nix, Cory E. Goldstein, Spencer Phillips Hey, Jamie C. Brehaut, Paul C. McLean, Charles Weijer, Dean A. Fergusson & Monica Taljaard - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (1):34-40.
    ObjectivesTo describe reporting of informed consent in pragmatic trials, justifications for waivers of consent and reporting of alternative approaches to standard written consent. To identify factors associated with (1) not reporting and (2) not obtaining consent.MethodsSurvey of primary trial reports, published 2014–2019, identified using an electronic search filter for pragmatic trials implemented in MEDLINE, and registered in 1988 trials, 132 (6.6%) did not include a statement about participant consent, 1691 (85.0%) reported consent had been obtained, 139 (7.0%) reported a (...)
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    Staat und Zivilgesellschaft: permanente Opposition oder konstruktives Wechselspiel?Andreas Nix (ed.) - 2020 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    A new technique for proving realisability and consistency theorems using finite paraconsistent models of cut‐free logic.Arief Daynes - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (6):540-554.
    A new technique for proving realisability results is presented, and is illustrated in detail for the simple case of arithmetic minus induction. CL is a Gentzen formulation of classical logic. CPQ is CL minus the Cut Rule. The basic proof theory and model theory of CPQ and CL is developed. For the semantics presented CPQ is a paraconsistent logic, i.e. there are non-trivial CPQ models in which some sentences are both true and false. Two systems of arithmetic minus induction are (...)
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    Boarding and Day School Students: A Large-Scale Multilevel Investigation of Academic Outcomes Among Students and Classrooms.Andrew J. Martin, Emma C. Burns, Roger Kennett, Joel Pearson & Vera Munro-Smith - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:608949.
    Boarding school is a major educational option for many students (e.g., students living in remote areas, or whose parents are working interstate or overseas, etc.). This study explored the motivation, engagement, and achievement of boarding and day students who are educated in the same classrooms and receive the same syllabus and instruction from the same teachers (thus a powerful research design to enable unique comparisons). Among 2,803 students (boardingn= 481; dayn= 2,322) from 6 Australian high schools and controlling for background (...)
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  7. Poincarés philosophy of geometry, or does geometric conventionalism deserve its name?E. G. Zahar - 1997 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 28 (2):183-218.
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    Where Does Schroedinger's “What is Life?” Belong in the History of Molecular Biology?E. J. Yoxen - 1979 - History of Science 17 (1):17-52.
  9. Gianluca scroccu Sandro pertini E il psi: Dal superamento Del «fronte popolare» al centro-sinistra (1955-1963).Sandro Pertini E. Il - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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  10. Coinciding Objects: In Defence of the 'Standard Account'.E. J. Lowe - 1995 - Analysis 55 (3):171 - 178.
    E. J. Lowe; Coinciding objects: in defence of the ‘standard account’, Analysis, Volume 55, Issue 3, 1 July 1995, Pages 171–178,
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  11. The Meaning of Life.E. D. Klemke - 1983 - Critica 15 (43):154-157.
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    Does organic farming face distinctive livestock welfare issues? – A conceptual analysis.Hugo Fjelsted Alrøe, Mette Vaarst & Erik Steen Kristensen - 2001 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (3):275-299.
    The recent development and growth oforganic livestock farming and the relateddevelopment of national and internationalregulations has fueled discussions amongscientists and philosophers concerning theproper conceptualization of animal welfare.These discussions on livestock welfare inorganic farming draw on the conventionaldiscussions and disputes on animal welfare thatinvolve issues such as different definitions ofwelfare (clinical health, absence of suffering,sum of positive and negative experiences,etc.), the possibility for objective measuresof animal welfare, and the acceptable level ofwelfare. It seems clear that livestock welfareis a value-laden concept and (...)
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  13. Minimal groups in separably closed fields.E. Bouscaren & F. Delon - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (1):239-259.
    We give a complete description of minimal groups infinitely definable in separably closed fields of finite degree of imperfection. In particular we answer positively the question of the existence of such a group with infinite transcendence degree (i.e., a minimal group with non thin generic).
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  14. I. Bernard Cohen and George E. Smith (eds): The Cambridge Companion to Newton.P. J. E. Kail - 2003 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 11 (3):540-541.
  15. The Physical Background of Perception.E. D. Adrian - 1948 - Mind 57 (226):244-249.
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  16. Alekseĭ Losev v ėpokhu russkoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii: 1917-1919.E. A. Takho-Godi - 2014 - Moskva: Modest Kolerov.
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  17. Engaging multiple epistemologies: Implications for science education.E. M. Evans, Cristine H. Legare & K. Rosengren - 2011 - In Roger S. Taylor & Michel Ferrari, Epistemology and Science Education: Understanding the Evolution Vs. Intelligent Design Controversy. Routledge. pp. 111--139.
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  18. Azione, intenzione e doppio effetto: Metafisica e azione: Nuovi approcci al tomismo.G. E. M. Anscombe, Mario Ricciardi & Claudio Antonio Testi - 2001 - Divus Thomas 104 (2):43-61.
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  19. Pluralité de l'être.Edmée de La Rochefoucauld - 1957 - Paris: Gallimard'.
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  20. Dispositions and Laws.E. J. Lowe - 2001 - Metaphysica 2:5-23.
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    On knowing that.E. M. Adams - 1958 - Philosophical Quarterly 8 (33):300-306.
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    The ethics of corporate governance.E. Eugene Arthur - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (1):59 - 70.
    The failure of the critics of corporate governance to agree on what should be done to improve the governance process can, in most cases, be traced to a different understanding of the role of corporate directors in that process. This article analyzes and contrasts the obligations of directors under two legal theories, the fictional person theory and the organic theory, of the corporation. A comparison of the director's obligations under each theory indicates that the organic theory provides a better basis (...)
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  23. Diachronic identity as relative identity.E. J. Borowski - 1975 - Philosophical Quarterly 25 (100):271-276.
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    Descriptive metaphysics.E. A. Burtt - 1963 - Mind 72 (285):18-39.
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  25. (1 other version)Intention and intentionality: essays in honour of G. E. M. Anscombe.G. E. M. Anscombe, Cora Diamond & Jenny Teichman (eds.) - 1957/2000 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
  26. Cost containment: Issues of moral conflict and justice for physicians.E. Haavi Morreim - 1985 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 6 (3).
    In response to rapidly rising health care costs in the United States, federal and state governments and private industry are instituting numerous and diverse cost-containment plans. As devices for coping with a scarcity of resources, such plans present serious challenges to physicians' traditional single-minded devotion to patient welfare. Those which contain costs by directly limiting medical options or by controlling physicians' daily clinical decisions can threaten the quality of medical care by allowing economic authorities to make essentially medical judgments. In (...)
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  27.  35
    Finite or infinite?E. T. Bell - 1934 - Philosophy of Science 1 (1):30-49.
    When I undertook to write an article for mathematical laymen on the mathematical infinite. I did not realize the depths of my own layness, I do now. Having refreshed my memory of the classics of infinity by re-reading among other things the famous papers of Cantor and Zermelo, and having struggled like a boa constrictor to swallow the latest papal bull on the human significance of the infinite, I am completely reduced to what Professor E. W. Hobson aptly and somewhat (...)
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  28. (1 other version)La pensée politique de Calvin.Marc Édouard Chenevière - 1937 - Paris,: Éditions "Je sers".
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  29. O mito cartesiano e outros ensaios: por uma nova filosofia da ciência.M. Rocha E. Silva - 1978 - São Paulo: Editora Hucitec.
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  30.  43
    The Date of the Prometheus Vinctus.E. C. Yorke - 1936 - Classical Quarterly 30 (3-4):153-.
    It has frequently been observed that the Prometheus Vinctus shows certain Sophoclean characteristics of rhythm. In order to vary the rhythm of his iambics and to avoid monotony, Sophocles often knits consecutive trimeters closely together by placing at the end of one line some word which looks forward to the next line, and so precludes the reader from stopping for the natural pause after the sixth foot. Sometimes he uses in this way subordinating words which introduce a dependent clause in (...)
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    Jacques de Viterbe lecteur attentif de Gilbert de la Porrée.E. Ypma - 1987 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 54:257-261.
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    ‛Hγεμονία und δεσπτεία bei Xenophanes.E. Zeller - 1889 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 2 (1):1-4.
  33.  17
    A stitch in time.E. M. Zemach - 1967 - Journal of Value Inquiry 1 (3-4):223-241.
  34.  47
    On negative names.E. M. Zemach - 1985 - Philosophia 15 (1-2):137-138.
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  35. Identity and personal identity.E. J. Borowski - 1976 - Mind 85 (340):481-502.
    'identity' includes a family of relations and is wrongly restricted to what satisfies leibniz's law: diachronic and strict identity are related since the criteria of the former are just the criteria of continuity of stages of the strictly identical continuant. A general account can be given in terms of the preservation of a weighted preponderance of properties of the stages. Puzzle cases arise because of contextual shifts in the weightings assigned; in the case of persons this is particularly clear because (...)
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    On one-based theories.E. Bouscaren & E. Hrushovski - 1994 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 59 (2):579-595.
  37. California Unnatural: On Fine’s Natural Ontological Attitude.E. P. Brandon - 1997 - Philosophical Quarterly 47 (187):232-235.
    Abela accepts Fine’s account of realism and instrumentalism, but thinks that we can reject the Natural Ontological Attitude by distinguishing the theoretical attempt to make sense of scientific practice from choosing the attitude we bring to the debate, or to science itself. But Abela’s attitudes are vulnerable to Fine’s criticisms of the philosophical positions. However, if we take attitude as contrastive and as full‐blooded enough to lead to different behaviour we can see a gap in Fine’s position. He cannot tell (...)
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    How can the philosophies of east and west meet?E. A. Burtt - 1948 - Philosophical Review 57 (6):590-604.
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    Nicʻše Sakʻartʻveloši.Tʻamaz Buačʻiże & Tengiz Iremadze (eds.) - 2007 - Tʻbilisi: Gamomcʻemloba "Arxe".
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  40. Symbolic Protest and Calculated Silence.Thomas E. Hill - 1979 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 9 (1):83-102.
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  41. Mir rat︠s︡ionalʹnosti v mire cheloveka: logiko-metodologicheskiĭ i sot︠s︡ialʹno-ėpistemologicheskiĭ analiz: monografii︠a︡.E. I︠U︡ Leontʹeva - 2001 - Volgograd: Politekhnik.
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    Buddyn gu̇n ukhaany onol, tu̇u̇khiĭn asuudlaas: ȯgu̇u̇lėl, iltgėliĭn ėmkhtgėl.G. Luvsant︠s︡ėrėn - 2008 - Ulaanbaatar: Bembi San. Edited by G. Chuluunbaatar & M. Gantui︠a︡a.
    Scholarly papers by Gėlėgzhamt︠s︡yn Luvsant︠s︡ėrėn on Mādhyamika, Buddhist philosophy, Mongolian philosophy and Buddhist studies in Mongolia.
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  43. São Paulo como personagem literária: Experiência urbana E modernismo.Literatura E. Política-O. Surrealismo, Uma Poética Do Ódio, Ferrovia E. Ferroviário, A. Politização Do Processo, Industria Manufatureira & A. Politica de Humanização Dos Presídios - 1990 - História 9.
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    The mechanism of polytype formation in vapour-phase grown ZnS crystals.E. Alexander, Z. H. Kalman, S. Mardix & I. T. Steinberger - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 21 (174):1237-1246.
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  45. Constitutional Interpretation: Textual Meaning, Original Intent, and Judicial Review.Keith E. Whittington - 1999
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    Qualità della vita e dignità della persona con dolore cronico persistente: il ruolo delle cure palliative.Felice E. Agrò - 2006 - Acta Philosophica: Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia 15 (2):195-230.
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  47. O prirode ėsteticheskoĭ potrebnosti.E. S. Akopdzhani︠a︡n - 1973 - Erevan,: Izd-vo AN ArmSSR.
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  48. Poėticheskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ russkogo kosmizma: uchenie, ėstetika, poėtika.Ė. A. Balʹburov - 2003 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo SO RAN.
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  49. Malthus and the secularization of political ideology.E. Heavner - 1996 - History of Political Thought 17 (3):408-430.
  50. The City of Man. By Pierre Manent.E. Heath - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (4):545-545.
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